The Prince Who Saves Himself

The Prince Who Saves Himself.PNG

What does fiction mean to you? Since I was a child, I’ve always imagined myself living in fantastical worlds, and perhaps changing them in my own way. I’m never sure if I’m able to make any tangible impact on this world we’re living here. Everything seems like it’s at the whims of people and forces with power unimaginable to us. Fiction empowers us to imagine a world where you can create your own story, and save yourself from your helplessness. At least, that’s what it did for me.

The concept of Princes in fiction is very different to Princes in real life. Ever since we were young, a lot of us watched movies or read books about Princes saving heroines and ruling over vast kingdoms. A Prince is someone who finds strength in helping others, though sometimes the heroine never needed saving in the first place. The Prince did save me, however - a young child who was glued to the TV, watching the same Princess movies over and over. That child didn’t believe they were strong, nor capable of much. However, they drew every day, imagining what they would do if they were a Prince in their own story. Maybe they can grow out of that feeling and be someone they can be proud of, someday.

With that thought, I continue to draw until today. I don’t feel as helpless; I still have doubts but I can now imagine a future for myself. I may not have the power to save the world, but I’ve learnt that I’ve always had the power to save myself.



